From next year, genetic and blood alcohol analyzes will also be performed at the Biochemistry Clinic
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Next year, it is expected that patients in Kosovo will have the opportunity to perform genetic and blood alcohol analysis, as well as Molecular Biology at the Biochemistry Clinic near the University Clinical Center of Kosovo. Also, it has been promised that the toxicology laboratory will be operational in the near future.

The Director of Biochemistry at UCCK, Shemsi Veseli, in an interview for KosovaPress, mentions that in 2025 a capital investment of two million euros is planned, which will contribute to the expansion of the services and analyzes offered by this clinic.

Veseli emphasizes the need to put the toxicology laboratory into operation, as there are many cases where the use of this equipment is necessary. He says that he was notified by the Ministry of Health about the allocation of funds for the activation of the laboratory, but did not announce the deadline.

The director of the Biochemistry Clinic underlines the lack of laboratory technicians, while noting that the volume of services performed in this clinic is large, where only in the first six months of this year, over one million tests were performed on 220 thousand patients.

In addition, Veseli says that due to the high requirements for performing some types of analysis, there are cases when there is not enough material.

Among other things, Veseli shows that, on average, within 24 hours together with the dependent unit in the Emergency Center, up to six thousand tests are performed. /Z. Zeneli

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