Experts warn: The Trust Fund remains at risk; they ask for urgent measures to be taken
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2 year ago
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Investments of the Kosovo Pension Savings Fund (TRUST) are experiencing the most difficult period this year as a result of the crisis in the international financial markets and this has caused considerable losses of citizens' savings in our country.

However, the Trust has managed to recover part of the investments that suffered losses until the month of July, due to the crisis in the global financial markets as a result of the Russian military occupation of Ukraine.

The spokesperson of the Trust, Jeton Demi, told KosovaPress that the Trust's investments until July fell by 161.6 million euros, but he emphasizes that the return on investments has reduced the losses to less than 100 million euros by September.

Although about 60 million euros have been recovered, economic experts warn that the declines considered in the Trust may deepen even further due to the financial crisis in the international markets.

Spokesman Demi says that as long as the difficult situation in foreign markets continues, recoveries will be difficult.

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