Events of September 30th
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The Ed Guard Institute is holding a roundtable discussion on launching research studies. EU Ambassador Tomáš Szunyog and MEST Minister Arbërie Nagavci will attend the event. (Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina, 10:00) The sixth meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Prizren is held. (Meeting hall of the Municipal Assembly, 10:00) The Deputy Minister of Defense, Shemsi Syla, receives the Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry of Defense of Germany, Thomas Silberhorn. (Ministry of Defense, 10:15) Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS) holds the conference "Treatment of Organized Crime Cases by the Prosecution and Basic Courts of the Republic of Kosovo in recent years." (GLPS Offices, Rexhep Luci St., 10:30) A solidarity run is organized with patients suffering from breast cancer. (Schoolyard, European School of Prishtina in Prishtina in Caglavica, time 12:00) The new facility for processing fruits and vegetables from the agrobusiness "Remzije Berisha B.I" is inaugurated (Prugovc, Municipality of Prishtina, 14:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Pristina, Uran Ismaili holds a press conference. (Arbëria neighborhood, 14:30) Vetëvendosje Movement in Prizren, holds an electoral rally in the Kurillë neighborhood, where the Speaker of the Kosovo Parliament, Glauk Konjufca, will also be present. (Elementary school "Motrat Qiriazi", 17:00)
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