Events of October 7th
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The first court hearing is held against the former leaders of KLA WVA, Nasim Haradinaj and Hysni Gucati (09:30) The Committee on Budget, Labor and Transfers discusses with the Auditor General, Vlora Spanca, about the Request for setting the salary for the Auditor General. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C203, 10:00) The Committee on Human Rights, Gender Equality, Missing Persons, Victims of War Sexual Violence and Petitions meets with representatives of the Government Committee on Missing Persons. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N302, 10:00) The 267th meeting of the Kosovo Judicial Council is held. (Zoom Platform, 10:00) Deputy Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure, Hysen Durmishi, together with the Mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi hold a press conference. (Konushec village of Podujeva, at the bridge, 11:00) The New Kosovo Alliance holds a press conference. (AKR headquarters, 11:30)
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