Events of October 24
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The judicial process continues in the case against Thaçi and others. (The Hague, time 09:00-16:30)

The second annual conference of the Forum of Constitutional Courts of the Balkans will be held". President Vjosa Osmani will participate. (Hotel "Emerald" Prishtina, time 09:15)

The Committee on European Integration reviews the Draft Law for the administrative review of acts of municipalities, with the amendments of the functional committee from the aspect of compatibility with EU legislation. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, time 11:00)

The New KEK Union holds a protest for salary increases, hazard pay, and weekend pay for shift workers. (In front of the KEK offices, "Mother Teresa" Square, Prishtina, time 11:00)

Events of June 3
An extraordinary session of the Assembly of Kosovo will be held - parliamentary debate on the scandals and mismanagement in the Kosovo Energy Corporation. (Assembly of Kosovo, time 12:00)

Members of the League of Writers of Kosovo hold literary classes. (LSHK premises: Muhaxherëve neighbourhood, "Jashar Salihu" street, ‘Kulla e zotnisë’, Prishtina, time 12:00)

The monograph "Two worlds in unison" by the author Elife Podvorica will be promoted. (Hotel "Sirius" Prishtina, time 18:00)

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