Events of October 11
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The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, in cooperation with the Office of the European Union in Kosovo, will launch the "Recognition of Professional Qualifications" campaign. (Hotel "Sirius" Prishtina, time 10:00)

The 13th edition of the KosICT Technology Festival will be held. (Tech Park Prishtina, time 10:00)

The Expo Sharri fair opens. (At the vocational school in Shajna Square, Dragash, time 10:00)

The KFOR change of command ceremony will be held. (KFOR headquarters, Film City Prishtina camp, time 11:00)

Vetëvendosje holds a press conference. (Office of the Vetevendosje Parliamentary Group in the Assembly of Kosovo, time 11:00)

An extraordinary session of the Assembly of Kosovo will be held - a parliamentary debate on the communications of the head of the Vetëvendosje Parliamentary Group, Mimoza Kusari - Lila with Milan Radojicic. (Assembly of Kosovo, time 12:00)

The Kosovo Law Institute (KLI), together with the Association of Pensioners of Kosovo, will organize a discussion meeting with pensioners and publish the report "The State neglects the harmonization of pensions with the cost of living". (Headquarters of the Association of Pensioners of Kosovo, time 13:00 – 14:30)

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