Events of May 16
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The Committee on Legislation reviews the report with amendments of the Functional Committee on the Draft Law on Private Security Services. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, 09:30)

The Committee on Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns reviews the Draft Law on the Defense Intelligence and Security Agency, with the report of the amendments of the Functional Committee on Security and Defense Affairs. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-10, 09:30)

The Assembly of Kosovo holds a plenary session - a continuation of the previous sessions. (Assembly of Kosovo, 10:00)

Haki Abazi, independent deputy, organizes the symbolic activity "A people does not submit to a man". (Assembly of Kosovo at 10:00)

The second day of the Expokos fair will be held. (Hall "1 October" Prishtina, 10:00-16:00)

The Municipal Assembly of Deçan holds a meeting on the development plan. (Hall of the Deçan Municipal Assembly, 10:00)

The Commission for European Integration reviews the Draft Law on ID, with the amendments of the functional Commission from the point of view of compatibility with EU legislation. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, 10:00)

YIHR KS, on behalf of the Human Rights Network (HRN), launches the Civil Society report on Human Rights for the year 2023. ("Sirius" Hotel, Prishtina, 10:00-13:00)

A court session will be held in the criminal case against the defendant D.K., accused of the criminal offense of rape and the criminal offense of aggravated murder. (Ferizaj Basic Court, 10:00)

The study "Improving the Business Climate - Increasing Investments. Proposals from German business in Kosovo" will be published, carried out by the German Economic Team (GET) for German-Kosovar Business Association (OEGJK-KDWV). The German ambassador Jorn Rohde and Norbert Schultes, head of the Division for International Partner Administration from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) will be participating. (Klan Arena, Prishtina, 10:30-13:00)

The Mayor of Ferizaj Agim Aliu participates in the ceremony of signing the social contract agenda for Ferizaj. (School of Arts "Cesk Zadeja" Ferizaj, 11:00-12:30)

The exhibition "Artists and Refugees" opens. (Hall of Exhibitions of the National Library of Kosovo "Pjeter Bogdani", Prishtina, 18:00)

Municipality of Rahovec meeting on the 25th anniversary of the disappearance of Ukshin Hoti. (House-museum of Ukshin Hoti, Krusha e Madhe, 19:00)

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