Events of March 8
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The Ministry of Health, the National Institute of Public Health of Kosovo hold workshops with the media regarding the application of three new vaccines in Kosovo, with emphasis on the HPV vaccine. (Hotel "International", Veternik, Prishtina, time 09:00-14:00)

The Kosovo Agency Statistics (KAS) will hold a press conference on the occasion of the opening of the Campaign for Communication and Sensitization for the Registration of the Population, Family Economies and Housing (ReKos 2024) in Kosovo. (KAS premises, Prishtina, time 10:00)

A discussion table is held about the legal initiative on the amendment of the Law on vehicles, where articles (44, 63) will be addressed, which define the criteria for the import of cars and the change of ownership. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-506, time 10:00)

The Kosova Rehabilitiation Center for Turture Victims – KRCT organizes an activity where an "Open Letter" will be read to competent institutions regarding the protection and supervision of monuments. (Heroinat Monument, Prishtina, time 10:00)

The University of Prishtina organizes a conference with the topic "Invest in Education - Invest in Women". (Place: Amphitheater of the Central University Library Prishtina, time 10:00)

The Kosovar-Swedish Scientific Institute holds a regional conference "Women and Peace". (University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", Faculty of Law, courtroom, Prishtina, time 10:00-12:45)

The Central Election Commission presents the report on the verification of the petitions received by the chairmen of the Municipal Assemblies of Leposaviq, Zubin Potok, Zveçan and North Mitrovica. (CEC, time 13:30)

The Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo for Minority Affairs and Human Rights, Emilija Rexhepi, on the occasion of International Women's Day, organizes a special party, where more than 400 women from all communities of the Municipality of Prizren will participate. (Restaurant "Alegria", Prizren, time 14:00)

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