Events of July 20
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The Committee for Oversight of the Kosovo Intelligence Agency holds a meeting for the Annual Intelligence and Security Policy Platform (PVPIS). (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-302, time 10:00) The Committee for Budgets, Labor and Transfers examines the Draft Law on the Ratification of the Agreement for Financing Development Policies for Public Finance and Sustainable Growth between Kosovo and the International Development Association. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C-203, 10:00) The national association "Raspberry of Kosovo" organizes a field day at the raspberry plantation as part of the "Raspberry Days" campaign. Imri Demelezi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, will participate. (Reçan, Municipality of Prizren, time 10:00) The Committee on Security and Defense Issues examines the Kosovo Security Strategy for 2022-2027. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-303, time 11:00) The Committee on Legislation examines the report with amendments of the Functional Committee on the Draft Law on the amendment and completion of the Law on registration of agriculture. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-10, time 11:00) The Kosovo Democratic Institute (KDI) will disclose the findings from the analysis of the contracts awarded by the Hospital and University Clinical Service of Kosovo (HUCSK) for oxygen supply. (Offices of the Kosovo Democratic Institute, "Bajram Kelmendi" str., Prishtina, time 11:00) The AAK chairman, Ramush Haradinaj, and the mayors of the municipalities that are led by AAK, hold a press conference on the topic: "The relationship between the central government and the municipalities". (Headquarters of AAK Prishtina, time 12:00) The Parliamentary Investigative Committee regarding the decision-making process in the energy sector for the period 2006-2022, at the legislative, executive, regulatory and public enterprise levels, categorizes the list of witnesses for interview. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N-204, 14:00) The Parliamentary Group of AAK holds a meeting with the leaders of KEDS, to discuss the issues related to the energy crisis in the country. (KEDS central offices, time 14:00)
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