The Committee on Public Administration, Local Government, Media and Regional Development reviews the draft work plan of the Committee for 2022. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N302, time 09:00)
The Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports presents the analysis of the Draft Law on the Kosovo Accreditation Agency by the international expert, Bastian Baumann, engaged by the HERAS+ project. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N204, time 10:00)
The Group for Legal and Political Studies holds a press conference on "Treatment of cases of misuse in public procurement by courts and prosecutors in Kosovo". (GLPS Offices, time 10:00)
The Assembly of Kosovo continues the plenary session in which a parliamentary debate will be held regarding the developments in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. (Plenary Hall of the Assembly, time 11:00)
The organizing group of the protest "Not a single cent more", protest against the increase in electricity prices. (Zahir Pajaziti Square, 12:00)
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, in cooperation with the Kosovo Philharmonic and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina", organize a commemorative ceremony marking the 40th anniversary of the death of the well-known Albanian composer, Rexho Mulliqi. (Faculty of Arts at the University of Prishtina, time 14:00)