Events of February 23
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The next meeting of the Kosovo Judicial Council will be held. (KJC, time 09:30)

KosovaJob holds the first global Human Resources summit organized in Kosovo, "Power to HR". (Pejton, ST. “Emperor Justinian”, time 09:30).

The plenary session of the Assembly of Kosovo will be held. (Assembly of Kosovo, time 10:00)

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Prishtina organizes the groundbreaking ceremony of the project funded by the EU and the University of Prishtina "Construction of the new premises for the Faculty of Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Prishtina". Prime Minister Albin Kurti, the representative of the EU, Tomas Szunyog, etc. participate. (FSHMN Office, Technical Faculty Area, time 10:30)

The meeting of the Collegium for Health and Social Welfare is held with the aim of discussing current topics within the development of the activity of the Collegium. Minister Arben Vitia participates. ("Vila Germia", time 11:00).

The Kosovo Prosecutorial Council holds the 227th meeting. (The meeting will be on Zoom, 13:30)

Prof. Ger Duijzings from the University of Regensburg, Germany gives a lecture. (Amphitheater of the National Library, time 13:30-15:00). "ICT for Kosovo's Growth" organizes the "Awards' Certificate Ceremony - Round 5" event. (Termokiss, time 13:45)

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