Events of February 16
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The Kosovo Doctors Chamber marks the Memorial Day of Health Professionals. (In front of the main entrance of UCCK, time 09:30)

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports organizes the solemn ceremony of awarding the "Azem Shkreli" National Lifetime Achievement Award and the Annual Literature Awards for 2023. (Cabinet of Minister Çeku, time 10:00)

The mayor of Prizren, Shaqir Totaj, inaugurates the school in Landovica. (Landovica, time 10:00)

The Independent Media Commission reports to the Committee on Public Administration, Local Government, Media and Regional Development. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall N506, time 10:00)

Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina, organizes the promotion of the university book of Prof.Assoc.Dr. Arsim Canolli "Cultural Anthropology" (Faculty of Philosophy, hall 101, time 11:00)

The Committee on Budgets, Labor and Transfers reviews the annual performance plan of the Public Procurement Review Body for 2024 and the annual performance plan of the Regulatory Commission of Public Procurement for 2024. (Kosovo Assembly, hall C203, time 11:00)

The Institute of Science and Technology "Insi" holds a press conference, on the occasion of the submission of the lawsuit against MCYS related to violations in the tender "Development of the master plan for the "Adem Jashari" Memorial Complex", in the amount of 3 million euros. In this case, a request for postponing the execution of the PRB Decision will be submitted to the Commercial Court. (Palace of Justice, time 11:00)

The AAK chairman, Ramush Haradinaj, visits the Jashari family in Prekaz. (Prekaz, time 11:30)

The State Agency of Kosovo Archives opens the exhibition "I DIE WHEN I WANT" - dedicated to the life and work of Adem Demaçi. (National Library, time 12:00)

The Committee on Budgets, Labor and Transfers reviews the draft work plan of the committee for the spring session 2024. (Kosovo Assembly, C203, time 14:00)

The Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora meets with the delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia. (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C301, time 15:00).

AAK and Nisma formalize the political agreement with the new partner who will join the electoral list for the parliamentary elections. (AAK headquarters, time 15:00)

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