Events of April 6
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The Ministry of Internal Affairs will hold the conference "E-Government Strategy in order to improve the provision of public services". Prime Minister Albin Kurti, the German ambassador to Kosovo, Jorn Rohde, etc. will participate. (Hotel "Emerald", time 09:00)

Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi reports to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora regarding the dialogue process. (Assembly building, time 09:00)

The Kosovo Judicial Council holds its next meeting. (KJC building, time 09:00)

The Committee on the Rights and Interests of Communities and Return reviews the Draft Law on the amendment and completion of the Law on the treatment of constructions without permission. (Assembly building, time 09:30)

The Committee on Legislation, Mandates, Immunities, the Rules of the Assembly and the supervision of the Anti-Corruption Agency reviews the reports of the main Committees on the Draft Law on the State Prosecutor. (Assembly building, time 09:30)

The Assembly of Kosovo holds a plenary session where the agenda is the review of the Proposal-Resolution for the two-year work of the Government of Kosovo. (Assembly building, time 10:00)

The UN Women office in Kosovo presents the research "Safety and Health at Work: A study of cases of sexual harassment at the workplace in Kosovo in the public and private sectors. (Hotel "Sirius", time 10:30)

The workers of the newspaper "Rilindja" protest in front of the PAK building for not distributing the 20 percent. (In front of the PAK building, time 11:00)

The conference "Increasing opportunities for achieving full linguistic equality" is held (EU House in North Mitrovica, time 11:00)

The Judicial Panel of the Specialist Chambers in The Hague announces the order for compensation of the victims in the court case against Salih Mustafa. Prosecutor against Mustafa, pronouncement of the order for compensation. (12:00) The Student Movement "Studim Kritikë Veprim" holds an action. (In front of the Rectorate of the University of Prishtina, time 13:00)

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