Details about DokuFest are revealed
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The international documentary and short film festival DokuFest will start on Friday and will last until August 13 in Prizren. In the program for the 21st edition, there will be 250 films in eight competitive categories, which will be shown in the cinemas of Prizren. At the media conference on Wednesday, some details about the success of the festival were revealed, among other things, it was announced that for the first time this festival will nominate a film for the European Academy's grand prize. The executive director of DokuFest, Linda Llulla, showed the innovations of this year's festival. "The 21st edition of DokuFest is held from August 5 to 13. A program of more than 250 films in eight competing categories and full of special programs. This year we have also brought back DokuKids, we have prepared a program of films for children and five workshops for seven days of the festival. Also, this year, after the pandemic and a two-year break, we are returning with the musical part, or DokuNights, of DokuFest", she said. Meanwhile, the artistic director of DokuFest, Veton Nurkollari, said that he expects a large number of visitors, therefore he also asked for municipal mobilization for this festival.
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