Consequences of COVID, about 6% of people experience anxiety and depression, the most affected age groups are 20-30 years old
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The end of December this year marks two years since the first case of the new coronavirus was reported in Wuhan, China. To date, over five million deaths and millions more have been reported worldwide. The consequences of this disease continue even after the recovering process in psychological terms, especially in people suffering from anxiety and depression. Psychologist Petrit Thaçi says in an interview for KosovaPress that about 5.8 percent of people can show anxiety disorders or depression as a result of the created condition. He points out that the most affected age groups are those between 20 and 30 years old. In addition to these disorders, the age group of children, middle age people and the elderly are also affected Psychologist Thaçi says that these people show disorders of anxiety and depression, there is a discomfort, but also isolation from the social circle. “Shenjat te personat me çrregullime të ankthit dhe më shpesh vërehet një lloj parehatie, një tendencë e një lloj hiperaktiviteti, pa përqendrim. Pra është frika ajo që mbizotëron tek ata, një frikë e brendshme, e pa specifikuar qartë që shpërfaqet me sjellje të pa sigurisë. Ndërsa te personat depresivë gjejmë një pasivitet, një ndjenjë lodhjeje dhe një pamje e lodhur, mos interesim pra mbyllje totale në vetvete edhe kur janë prezentë në rrethet sociale dhe janë të tërhequr brenda mureve të shtëpisë”, ka thënë ai. "Among signs in people with anxiety disorders and there is a kind of discomfort, a tendency of a kind of hyperactivity, without concentration. So, it is fear that prevails among them, an inner fear, not clearly specified, that manifests itself with insecure behavior. Whereas in depressed people we find a passivity, a feeling of fatigue and a tired look, no interest, so total isolation in itself even when they are present in social circles, isloated in their homes", he said. There are long-term studies in this regard, which show that after a quarantine the intensification of worries such as fear, insomnia or a post-traumatic stress disorder is higher, but psychologist Thaçi says that there is no difference between the elderly and the young, or between men and women. "Statistics have never been able to speak of a number of exact percentages, but somewhere ranging from 5.8 percent of anxiety disorders as a whole, there are probably sources in the literature where depression can extend up to 17 to 18% in some form of the general population, but still, there’s inaccuracy, and recently we can notice a growing trend especially of anxiety disorders. It is more likely that this period 20 to 30 years old is more affected with both depression and anxiety disorders, but there is no age limit to say that only this age is affected. So, we have anxiety disorder during childhood, middle age, and the elderly, but the highest tendencies are from 20 to 30 years old where the first stages of maturity begin, entering the world of analysis for life and self”, Thaçi said. Thaçi also talks about the prejudice that people with anxiety and depression may face, which according to him, the people themselves are more afraid that they will face prejudices, than what happens in reality. "Sometimes, there is a personal impression that we will be pjudiced for the depression and anxiety. So, the fear of prejudice from others is rather exaggerated, but in reality, there is a tendency to give it a name and stigma. So, at the moment when strange behaviors are noticed, there may be conculsions such as 'he isn’t well', 'his behavior had changed', 'what happened to him', so there may be such labels, but it is an exaggeration from the client itself who is going through the situation, rather than that the world is seeing what is happening ", said Thaçi. However, this period of anxiety and depression can be overcome with social but also physical activities. "Getting more involved in social, physical activities, which include the concept of work being fulfilled with that part that I did something, it would have been a kind of spectrum of activities that would help the person with depressive disorders, with anxiety disorders, to increase concept and self-esteem and confront oneself with emotions that have been hindering. However, frequently, these suggestions and tips seem and remain invalid if the client does not enter the psycho-therapeutic treatment ", says Thaci. Psychologist Thaçi says that the pandemic had a negative impact on people who have been experiencing anxiety and depression. "Undoubtedly, the pandemic has been a very powerful factor that has fluctuated the psychological state of everyone without distinction, but as the most prone to suffer the consequences and negative effects of this period have been people who have had problems with emotional and psychological disorders. People with anxiety disorders have been most affected, as the pandemic has affected the concepts of security, stability and what will happen in the future," said Thaçi.
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