Children are endangered by technology, here is what psychologists and sociologists recommend
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9 month ago
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The use of information technology by children must be under the supervision of parents, because they can become prey to deception and manipulation, which can end in various types of political or socio-cultural radicalism, but also to fall into various pornographic or pedophilia clutches.

Sociologists and psychologists say that different games are making children aggressive in everyday life, but they are also affecting the quality of education.

Sociologist Genc Xërxa tells KosovaPress that children can be negatively affected by technology and this turns into anxiety.

According to him, technology can affect young children very badly even during their sleep because of the images they see most of the time.

Besa Grajqevci, a psychologist, tells KosovaPress that the development of technology is changing the life system and that in addition to adults, children are also being affected. She proposed that children of early ages should not be exposed to screens.

In addition to the bad effects, she says that the use of technology also has good effects. According to her, everything depends on how we use technology and that it should be used as much as is necessary for the development of children.

The Secretary of the Parents' Council, Enver Bala, says that this phenomenon is being used a lot by children and is distracting them from engaging in education.

According to him, every school should have psychologists who show children the good and bad effects of technology.

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