Rama: On August 5, a boxing spectacle at "Fadil Vokrri"
Kosovar boxer Robin Haxhi Krasniqi has decided to hold his next fight in professional boxing in Pristina, namely at the "Fadil Vokrri" stadium. Krasniqi made this announcement last week, while the mayor of the Municipality of Pristina, Përparim Rama, is supporting this event, KosovaPress reports. Through a post on "Facebook", Rama said that August 5 will be a spectacular night in Pristina and it will be an unforgettable night. "Robin Krasniqi is coming to the #capital stadium for the first time! Historic evening of boxing: On August 5, the 'Fadil Vokrri' stadium will be filled with the adrenaline of a historic event of an unforgettable night of international professional boxing. Prepare for an extraordinary spectacle," Rama wrote.
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