Arifi: Kosovo to be more pragmatic in the dialogue, Serbia is expected to face pressure
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2 year ago
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Professor of International Relations, Dritëro Arifi does not expect any progress in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue even after the end of the Serbian elections. He says summit meetings could take place in Brussels, but there will be nothing concrete. However, he states that in the new geopolitical circumstances, Kosovo can move forward if it is pragmatic and smart because Serbia is expected to have more pressure from the EU and the US. Arifi tells KosovaPress that the refusal to hold Serbian elections in Kosovo will not affect the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue. "The meeting can take place to show in some way that the dialogue is ongoing and that there is a conditional peace. Because meetings meet signals that countries are interested in finding peaceful solutions. So, the meeting can happen, but the results will come later, it also depends on our partners, the US and EU. But I do not believe that Kosovo will have any major sanctions because it has not allowed elections to be held on the territory of Kosovo. At the end of the day, Kosovo is very isolated from the EU, but our generality in the dialogue can break the blockade, or isolation that we are in now," he said. The university professor says that Kosovo must convince its international allies that it offers the best alternative within the dialogue. "At the moment how, things are in the global aspect, Kosovo can move forward if it is pragmatic and smart. If we are very agile in this vortex of diplomacy, I believe we can advance very quickly. But it all depends on what attitude Kosovo has and what Kosovo wants from the dialogue. If we manage to convince the EU and the US that this is our best alternative for all communities in Kosovo, then I believe we can move on," Arifi told KosovaPress. Commenting on the result of the elections in Serbia, Arifi says that they proved that Serbia has not moved in terms of politics. "I do not expect any change from Serbia, but this time the pressure on Serbia will be much greater than it has been in other times due to the geopolitical situation and security on the continent of Europe. Serbia has not changed in the political, cultural and constitutional aspect either, so there has not been any fundamental change there," he added. The expert on international relations also criticizes the Kosovar diplomacy for the lack of strategy and focus more on the countries of the east and the west. "Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the MFA should have been more present in Brussels, London, Washington and Paris, not in the eastern countries, as decision-making is in the west and not in the east. I see a big flaw and lack of vision and strategy of how we perceive foreign policy and geopolitics. It is being noticed that they have no idea and knowledge about what is happening in the international arena," he said. The last meeting between Prime Minister Albin Kurti and President Aleksandar Vucic was in July last year. Since then, there have been several meetings at the level of chief negotiators, but there have been no positive moves towards reaching an agreement.
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