Albania opens the negotiations, Varhelyi: We will work in the field of the rule of law
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2 year ago
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The Commissioner for Enlargement in the European Union, Oliver Varhelyi, said that today's meeting gives a strong political signal of the EU's commitment to the accession process. He has said that they will start working with Albania in the field of the rule of law, stressing that the European Union will not withdraw from the demands in this direction. In a press conference, Varhelyi said that his message to the citizens of Albania is that the European Union wants them within the European family. "According to the new methodology, the first cluster to be opened and the last to be closed is the rule of law, so we will start working in the field of the rule of law and obviously the state of the judiciary will be discussed, I can only confirm that we do not have to back down in our demands, which means that there must be evidence that there are cases that need to be solved and these need to be solved", he said.
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