The United Union of Education, Science and Culture (SBAShK) has expressed dissatisfaction with the salary law, warning of a protest, followed by other union actions which will not stop until their demands are met.
The president of this union, Rrahman Jasharaj, said that they have made continuous demands for the amendment of this law, as it is ironic.
He said that the main effort of the teachers was that with the change of the salary law, the coefficient would be 130 euros, but that the current government and the Minister of Education, Arbërie Nagavci, have not taken any steps.
Jasharaj for KosovaPress, has emphasized that the situation of workers in education is worrying and if there continues to be no interest from the government to find a solution to meet their demands, SBAShK together with The Union of Independent Trade Unions of Kosova ( BSPK), will organize a protest on May 1.
Jasharaj said the protest planned for May 1 is the first sign of union action. According to him, if the government lacks dialogue even after the protest, they will not stop.
We remind you that the last strike by SBAShK was held in September 2022, and lasted more than a month.