A 44-year-old man dies from hemorrhagic fever in Malishevo
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4 year ago
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A person from the Municipality of Malishevo passed away on Sunday as a result of infection with the hemorrhagic fever virus (Congo). The Municipality of Malishevo says that for six years in a row in the Municipality of Malisheva, there have been no cases of deaths caused from hemorrhagic fever virus, while for five years in a row there have been no cases of infection. “The death of I.B. (1976), was confirmed by UCCK, respectively the director Basri Sejdiu, in official communication with the Municipality of Malishevo. Although affected by hemorrhagic fever virus, the deceased has not been treated at the Infectious Diseases Clinic, but at another clinic, and in the last moments of his life, he also needed oxygen therapy. Regarding the case, an urgent meeting of the municipal staff for hemorrhagic fever virus was held today, and the issue was also addressed at the regular meeting of the Council of Directors ", said the statement.
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