23% of citizens voted until 15:00
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3 year ago
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The Central Election Commission (CEC) has announced that until 15:00h, 23.55% of eligible citizens have voted in 21 municipalities where the second round of local elections is taking place. In a press conference, the chairman of the CEC, Kreshnik Radoniqi said that so far there have been no irregularities that would affect the voting process. "The Central Election Commission is constantly monitoring the election process and based on information from the field so far we have not had any irregularities that would seriously affect the voting process. According to the preliminary data that we have received from 99% of the polling centers, the number of citizens with the right to vote who have voted until 15:00 is 294 thousand 157 voters or 23.55% of 1 million 260 thousand 571 voters", said Radoniqi.
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