​Youth Convention, Abdixhiku: LDK is ready for any battle as of today
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9 month ago
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At the convention held by the Youth Forum of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the chairman of this party, Lumir Abdixhiku, said that this organization proves that the LDK, with the youth on its side, is ready and strong in the face of every battle.

Abdixhiku addressed the young people, saying that their thoughts, decisions and actions translated into direct engagement within the LDK, according to him, are most needed in our country.

In the organization that brought together over a thousand young men and women of the LDK, the leader of this party, Lumir Abdixhiku, emphasized that our country, which, according to him, has been held hostage by propaganda and populism for three years now, needs changes from young people.

Meanwhile, the head of the Youth of the LDK, Paris Guri, showed that they have carried out 158 activities, through which they have engaged in representing the interests of young people, for human rights and the greatest involvement of youth in decision-making.

Among the successes of the LDK Youth Forum, Guri mentioned the launch of the "With you" campaign last year, which they had announced as the year of mental health.

Guri said that they are determined to build, according to him, a better future for the youth of Kosovo.

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