​The influence of the Serbian List in the February 14 elections endangers democracy in the country, institutional response is required
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3 year ago
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Suspicions that the Serbian List helped Adriana Hoxhiq's initiative is seen as dangerous for the country's democracy and against the Constitution. Legal experts say it is dangerous for democracy if the Belgrade-led Serb List has an impact on non-Serb minority MPs. Thus, Ehat Miftaraj from the Kosovo Institute of Justice says that the game of the Serbian List with certain parties violates the constitutional order in Kosovo. KosovaPress had reported a month ago on the tendencies of the Serbian List to extend its influence to other non-majority parties, stating that the latter will also fight for the interests of Gorani, Bosniaks and Roma, securing 14 seats in the Assembly of Kosovo. The initiative of the former minister, Adriana Hoxhiq, broke the record in the elections of February 14, 2021, securing thousands of votes in the municipalities where there are no members of the Bosniak community that she represents.  
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