​The government holds a meeting, these are the decisions that were taken
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4 year ago
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In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, at the request of the incumbent Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo has held a virtual meeting, the 66th meeting in a row. In the meeting there were approved several decisions in the field of constitutional and legal responsibilities of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo. The first decision approved the Community Program, which sets out the criteria and procedures for allocating subsidies and transfers from the budget of the Office for Community Affairs to the Office of the Prime Minister, in order to support and promote all communities in the Republic of Kosovo. This program will be implemented by the Office for Community Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister and by natural and legal persons who will be beneficiaries of subsidies. The program will guarantee the freedom to participate in the competition; non-discrimination and equal treatment of applications; transparency of procedures and decision-making for applicants; compliance with the objectives of the subsidy allocation; impartiality in reviewing and preventing conflicts of interest; stop funding for the same beneficiary more than once a year; and prohibiting subsidization of the same project by other budget organizations or donors, except in cases of co-financing.
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