​Kurti send a thank you letter to the United Arab Emirates
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3 year ago
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Prime Minister Kurti sent a thank you letter to the Minister of State and Director of the Department of Health of the United Arab Emirates. After the inauguration of the Sheikha Fatima Children's Hospital, Prime Minister Albin Kurti, through two thank you letters, once again expressed his gratitude for the help and support that the United Arab Emirates has given to the people and state of Kosovo. The Prime Minister thanked the Minister of State, Dr. Maitha bint Salem Al Shamsi and the Director of the Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Butti Al Hamed for investments in improving our health infrastructure. In the letter, Kurti emphasizes that the children's hospital in Pristina will remain an eternal testament to the solidarity and humane spirit of the people of the United Arab Emirates for the children of Kosovo.
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