​Events of November 14th
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The Central Election Commission holds a press conference regarding the opening of polling stations. (CEC media center, 4th floor, 08:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Fushe Kosova, Burim Berisha votes in the primary school "Bajram Curri" in the village of Sllatina e Madhe. (08:00) The candidate for mayor of Prishtina, Arben Vitia votes at the polling station in the school "Ali Sokoli". (09:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Prishtina, Përparim Rama votes at the Faculty of Economics / Law, center 1913E. (09:00) LVV candidate for mayor of Gjilan, Alban Hyseni, votes in the school "Abaz Ajeti" (09:00) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Viti, Arsim Ademi votes in the Primary School "28 November" in the village of Verban. (09:30) The candidate of Vetëvendosje Movement for mayor of Fusha Kosova votes in the school "Zejnel Salihu", in the village of Bardh i Madh. (10:00) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Dardana, Kadri Rrahimaj votes in the Primary School "Skenderbeu", village Kopernica. (10:00) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Shtime, Qemajl Aliu votes in the primary school "Hasan Prishtina", village lower Godanc. (Time 10:00) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Rahovec, Visar Korenica votes in the school "Xhelal Hajda - Toni", in Rahovec. (10:00) The candidate for mayor of Prizren from the Vetëvendosje Movement, Mytaher Haskuka, will vote in the high technical high school "11 March". (10:00) LVV candidate for mayor of Gjakova, Mimoza Kusari - Lila will vote in the primary school "Yll Morina" (10:00) The chairman of AAK, Ramush Haradinaj, votes at the VC "Ali Sokoli, in Prishtina. (10:00) The candidate of the Social Democratic Initiative for mayor of Malisheva, Ekrem Kastrati, votes in the school "Fehmi Agani" in the village Turjaka. (10:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Prizren, Shaqir Totaj, votes at the 2001A polling station. ("Remzi Ademaj" High School Prizren, 10:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Drenas, Ramiz Lladrovci, votes at the "Xhev Lladrovci" School in Gllanasella. (10:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Vushtrri, Ferit Idrizi, votes at the "Mustafa Venhari" School in Vushtrri. (10:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Shtime, Naim Ismajli, votes at the High School "Naim Frashëri", in Shtime. (10:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Klina, Esat Raci, votes in the village of Jashanica e Ulët, in Klina. (10:00) LDK leader, Lumir Abdixhiku votes in PS "Faik Konica" in Pristina. (10:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Gjilan, Lutfi Haziri votes in the primary school "Abaz Ajeti", in Gjilan. (10:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Istog, Ilir Ferati votes in the primary school "Martin Camaj", in Gurrakoc. (10:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Viti, Sokol Haliti votes in the primary school "Ahmet Hajdari", in the village of Begunc in the municipality of Viti. (10:30) LDK candidate for mayor of Vushtrri, Xhafer Tahiri votes in the primary school "Nazmi Zhegrova", in the village of Stanoc i Poshtëm. (10:30) LDK candidate for mayor of Dragash, Bexhet Xheladini votes at SHMU "28 Nëntori", in Bresane, Dragash. (10:30) PDK candidate for mayor of Kaçanik, Besim Ilazi, votes in Old Kaçanik. (10:30) The British Embassy in Pristina organizes the UK Commemoration Day ceremony for all those who served and lost their lives while serving in Kosovo. (Edit Durham Square, near the Grand Hotel in the center of Prishtina, 10:30) The Prime Minister of Kosovo and at the same time the President of LV, Albin Kurti votes at the polling station at the Faculty of Law. (10:30) The candidate for the second term for mayor of Gjakova from the ranks of AAK, Ardian Gjini, votes in the school "Mustafa Bakija. (11:00) The chairman of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Memli Krasniqi, votes at the "Hasan Prishtina" Primary School in Prishtina. (11:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Malisheva, Isni Kilaj, votes in the village of Lubizhdë in Malisheva. (11:00) PDK candidate for mayor of Dragash, Shaban Shabani, votes in the school "28 November" in Brodosana. (11:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Podujeva, Ekrem Hyseni votes in the primary school "Luigj Gurakuqi", in the village of Batllava. (11:00) LDK candidate for mayor of Junik, Ruzhdi Shehu votes in the primary school "Edmond Hoxha", in Junik. (11:00) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Podujeva, Shpejtim Bulliqi votes at the "Ilir Konushefci" School, in the village of Lluga. (Time 11:00) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Obiliq, Halil Thaçi votes in the school "Hasan Prishtina" in Milosevo. (Time 11:00) The head of the European Union Election Observation Mission, Lukas Mandl, visits several polling stations throughout Kosovo. ("Faik Konica" Primary School, Voting Center 1903e, "George Bush" street, Prishtina, between 11:00 and 11:15) The Central Election Commission holds a press conference regarding the turnout until 11:00. (CEC media center, 4th floor, 11:30) Vetëvendosje Movement candidate for mayor of Kaçanik, Jeton Raka votes in the village of Bob, school "Idriz Seferi". (11:44) The President of the Republic of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, votes in the voting center at the Technical Faculty, in Prishtina. (12:00) The President of the Social Democratic Initiative, Fatmir Limaj, votes in the primary school "Faik Konica" in Prishtina. (Around 12:00) Speaker Glauk Konjufca votes at the polling station at the Faculty of Education. (13:00) The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo holds a press conference. (AAK headquarters, 13:00) The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo holds a press conference. (AAK headquarters, 17:00) The Central Election Commission holds a press conference regarding the turnout until 19:00. (CEC media center, 4th floor, 19:30)
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