​Events of March 7th
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On the occasion of March 7 - Teacher's Day, a plaque will be inaugurated in the house of Ibrahim Gashi's family, where during the years 1991-1998 the teaching process took place for the students of the high school of music "Prenk Jakova" in Prishtina. Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Minister Arbërie Nagavci will atend the event. (09:00) The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gërvalla reports to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora on developments and actions after the start of the war in Ukraine. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-303, 9:00) Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Minister of Education Arbërie Nagavci visit the primary and lower secondary school "Elena Gjika" in Pristina. (09:45) The Municipal Assembly of Gjakova holds its second regular meeting. (Municipality of Gjakova, fourth floor, street "KLA", time 10:00) The main event in honor of March 7 is held, where the "Shaban Jashari" award will be given to the distinguished teacher. (National Library "Pjetër Bogdani", 11:00) A memorial academy is held dedicated to the life and work of the professors of the Department of History Skënder Rizaj, Muhamet Terrnava, Masar Rizvanolli, Bedrush Shehu, Drita Gunga Bakia, Shukri Rrahimi, Muharrem Sopi, Nait Ipqiu, who died during the pandemic. (Faculty of Philosophy - University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina",  11:00) The Directorate of Education and Science in the Municipality of Prizren organizes a festive program on the occasion of March 7 - Teacher's Day. (House of Culture "Xhemajli Berisha" Prizren, 11:00) The head of the AAK parliamentary group, Besnik Tahiri holds a press conference. (Assembly Hall,  11:30) The Assembly of Kosovo holds a session on the occasion of Teacher's Day. (Assembly Building, 12:00) Non-governmental organizations and institutions of Kosovo organize a protest in support of the people of Ukraine. ("Skanderbeg" Square Prishtina, 12:00) In the framework of marking the KLA Epopee, the Kosovo Football Veterans League organizes the tournament "All brothers together". (National Educational Camp in Hajvalia, 12:00) The Committee on Economy reviews the Draft Law on Trademarks and the Draft Law on Protection of Trade Secrets. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-10, 13:00) The Assembly of Kosovo holds a parliamentary debate on gender inequality of women in society. (Assembly Building, time 14:00) The "We march, we do not celebrate" collective is holding a conference, where it will reveal the details of the protest march against the murder of women that will be held on March 8 in Prishtina and other cities. (Zahir Pajaziti Square, Prishtina, 14:00) In honor of the 24th anniversary of the KLA Epopee, the manifestation "Night of Fires" is held. The concert will be held in "Adem Jashari" square Skenderaj, at 18:00. Lighting of the flame in the Memorial Complex "Adem Jashari" Prekaz, 18:00. In honor of the 24th anniversary of the KLA Epopee, the flame is lit in the Barracks "Adem Jashari" Pristina. (18:00)
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