​Events of March 1st
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HANDIKOS on the occasion of the International Day of Wheelchair Users, with the motto "Today we move together!", organizes activities in the square "Zahir Pajaziti" and "Ibrahim Rugova" in Pristina. (08:00) The AIRE Center organizes a meeting on comprehensive, effective and transparent statistics on property returns as a key tool in the fight against corruption and organized crime. The meeting will bring together judges and prosecutors, as well as advisers and associates of judicial institutions from the Western Balkans. (Hotel Emerald, 9:15) The Ministry of Justice in cooperation with the Office of the European Union and the Council of Europe, organizes a meeting in order to launch the report Comparative Evaluation of data on the functioning of the justice system in Kosovo (2014 - 2020), supported by the KoSEJ II Project. (Swiss Diamond Hotel, Prishtina, 10:00) The Ombudsman Institution, in cooperation with the Parliamentary Committee for Human Rights, Gender Equality, holds a roundtable on "Equality for All", on the occasion of marking the International Day "Zero Discrimination". (Hotel "Emerald", 10:00 -13: 00) The Committee for Public Finance Oversight holds its next meeting, where the Minister of MESP, Liburn Aliu is summoned. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N204, 10:00) The Committee on Security and Defense Affairs holds its next meeting, where it will review the report on overseeing the implementation of the law on critical infrastructure and legislative initiatives for the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Kosovo Security Force. (Assembly, room N303, 10:00) The Center for Education of Kosovo (KEC) holds the signing ceremony of the project agreement "Connected through Mobility", which aims to present international mobility programs for vocational schools in the 4 countries of the Western Balkans. (KEC, the complex of the school "Third Millennium", Rr. "Qëndresa", no. 48, Matiçan, 10000, 10:30) Representatives of the ORCA organization meet the UP Rectorate on the occasion of submitting the research report "Analysis of the selection process of academic staff from the competition NO. 804 - 2021 at the University of Prishtina". (Rectorate of UP, 11:00) The Social Democratic Party holds activities at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development. (Ukshin Hoti Street, "Ramiz Sadiku" complex, 11:00) The FOL movement holds a press conference and will publish the report "Municipalities do not implement the Administrative Instruction of the MLGA". (FOL Movement Offices, Andrea Gropa Street no. 35, Prishtina, 11:00) Committee for Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, where the request of POE KOSTT will be reviewed, as well as other issues. (Mecli, room N10, 11:00) The Committee on European Integration holds its next meeting, where the draft law on international legal cooperation in civil matters will be reviewed, with the amendments of the functional Committee from the aspect of compliance with EU legislation. (Assembly, room N302, 11:00) The Committee on Environment, Food, Agriculture, Planning and Development holds its next meeting, where the report with amendments of the working group for the Draft Law 08 / L-025 on Protection of air from pollution, as well as other issues will be reviewed. (Mecli, room N303, 13:00) The Anti-Corruption Agency organizes a meeting with the media on the occasion of the start of the process of regular annual declaration of assets of senior public officials. (Meeting room in AKM, 13.30) The Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports holds its next meeting, where the work plan of the committee for 2022 will be reviewed. (Assembly, room N302, 14:30) The Kosovo Nurses' Union in cooperation with the Kosovo Chamber of Nurses and the Associations of Health Professionals organizes a march for a dignified salary and against discrimination. (Departure from UCCK to the Government of Kosovo, 15:00)
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