​Events of December 13th
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The Committee on Legislation reviews the report with amendments of the Functional Committee on the Draft Law on Budget Appropriations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-204, 09:00) The trial against Salih Mustafa continues. (The Hague, 09: 30-16: 00) Ad hoc Commission for the selection of candidates for membership in the Independent Media Commission - the constitution of the Commission and the review of the list of proposed candidates for members of the Independent Media Commission. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-302, 10:00) The 17th Electoral Assembly of the Kosovo Student Council is held, organized by the Kosovo Youth Council (KYC). (Former Rilindja, Prishtina, 10:00 - 16:00) Kosovo Institute of Justice, in the framework of "Anti-Corruption Week", organizes a roundtable discussion on the findings of the research report "Corruption on the verge of prescription". (Hotel "Sirius" Prishtina, 10: 00-12: 00) Kosovo Patients' Rights Association - PRAK organizes a roundtable on "Health Insurance is starting ?!" (Hotel "Prishtina International" Veternik, Prishtina, 10: 00-12: 00) The constitutive meeting of the Municipal Assembly of Rahovec is held. (Hall of M. Rahovec, 10:00) The plenary session of the Assembly of Kosovo is held. (Assembly of Kosovo, 11:00) The Committee on the Rights and Interests of Communities and Returns reviews the Draft Law on Budget Appropriations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for 2022, with a report amending the functional Committee on Budget, Labor and Transfers. (Assembly of Kosovo, room N-303, 11:00) Inaguration of Fanar Youth Center in Kamenica. Former President Atifete Jahjaga participates. (12:00) Under the auspices of the Mayor of Mitrovica, Bedri Hamza, in cooperation with the Associations that emerged from the KLA War, a memorial academy will be held dedicated to the one-year anniversary of the death of KLA veteran, 142 Zosh Brigade, Eset M. Ujkani. (Cultural Center "Rexhep Mitrovica", Mitrovica, 13:00) The Committee on Budget, Works and Transfers reviews the report with amendments to the Draft Law on Budget Appropriations for the Budget of the Republic of Kosovo for 2022. (Assembly of Kosovo, room C-203, 14:00) An anti-doping seminar is held with representatives of Kosovar volleyball clubs. (18:00)
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