​​KMDLNJ: Power outages, a bad warning for the citizens
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2 year ago
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Council for the Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms - KMDLNJ has reacted after the start of power outages in the country and warnings about the increase of the price of electricity, saying that the Government of Kosovo must urgently stop the payment of electricity for the municipalities in the north and treat consumers in accordance with the laws in force. KESCO has asked KEDS to start from today the power outages according to the scheme, 6 hours with electricity and 2 hours without electricity, which has caused many reactions. Before that, KESCO requested from the Government of Kosovo a subsidy of around 40 million euros to pay for the membership in the international network as well as to pay for electricity for the northern municipalities. In reaction, KMDLNJ recalls that the Government of Kosovo has not kept its promise that it will not pay electricity bills in the north in the future, thus continuing the discrimination of electricity consumers on ethnic grounds. In addition, KMDLNJ recalls that the competent court at the request of the Ombudsperson has issued a decision that it is illegal to subsidize 100 percent of electricity bills and other services for Serbs and others in the north and has requested that this discrimination on ethnic grounds be stopped.
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