PDK and LDK ask the government to meet the demands of the police

The two opposition parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Democratic League of Kosovo, have asked the government to…

The police confirm the murder of a thief; seven people are arrested

Kosova Police announces that police officers in self-defense were forced to use proportional force, managing to neutralize one suspect, whereas…

Exclusive: Stevan Pavicevic, the leader of the “Civil Defense” involved in the Serbian vehicle that was seized with weapons

A document involving Stevan Pavicevic, the head of the organization that has been declared terrorist “Civilna Zastita”, was found in…

“Vidovdan”, the entrances and exits in Gracanica will be closed tomorrow

Referring to tomorrow’s developments, the activities that can be carried out for the celebration of “Eid Al-Adha” in the Republic…

Kurti: The panorama of the terrorist organization in Zvecan is clear

Prime Minister Albin Kurti has announced that the Kosova Police (KP) in cooperation with the Kosovo Intelligence Agency (KIA), last…

The seized weapons have been displayed, Sveçla: Two organizations in the north should be declared terrorist

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Xhelal Sveçla, has accused the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who, as he said, is…

Albania breaks off relations with Serbia until the release of three Kosovo police officers

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, has announced that they have cut off all relations with Serbia, until the…

The Kosova Police arrested another suspect for the attack on KFOR

The Kosova Police has arrested the Serbian with the initials N.O, known as “Nemac” and “Rusi”, suspected of involvement in…

Also today there is a protest in Graqanica, the road is blocked

The Kosovo Police has announced that in order to ensure the progress of the announced protest, which will be held…

Kurti: We are doing everything for our police officers to be released as soon as possible

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, said today that they are doing everything they can to release the police…