With the end of the 14th edition of the beer festival BeerFest Kosova, the news of the 15th edition has started to be known.
The spokeswoman of BeerFest, Rina Zeka, has informed KosovaPress that from next year, BeerFest will be held in a much larger environment, with many famous names participating and with a longer program, as according to her, it will be away from the urban area.
Zeka added that there are no statistics on which edition had the largest number of citizens, while she said that their goal is the satisfaction of the participants and not their number.
Meanwhile, the young rapper Redon Berani, who opened the last night of the festival, said that it was a fantastic feeling to perform for the first time in his city, Prishtina.
The innovation in this edition was the participation of 16-17 year olds with special tickets, who are not allowed to drink alcoholic beverages. There were also various games and entertainment for all present such as BeerPong.
In addition to a magnificent stage, it was also a special line up, which has been amazingly received by the audience.
Participants were well-known singers such as Buta, Yll Limani, Sabri Fejzullahu, Geasy, Blerando, Ardi e Mirdoni, and the famous Turkish DJ Burak Yeter, and many others.
The closing of this edition is obviously done by the famous group, HELLBANIANZ. /A. Shala/