There are not enough votes to remove from the agenda the Regulatory Plan for the “Calabria” neighborhood

There are not enough votes to remove from the agenda the Regulatory Plan for the “Calabria” neighborhood

Three representatives of the opposition parties in the Municipal Assembly of Prishtina, Gëzim Sveçla from Vetëvendosje, Sami Boroci from AKR, and Bahri Gashi from AAK have proposed to remove from the agenda Draft decision to annul the decision approving the detailed regulatory plan for the neighborhood “Calabria”, as well as the draft-decision for annulment of the decisions for the approval of the change and the partial completion of the urban block “D2”, within the regulatory plan “Arbëria 3”.

But that their proposals did not receive the majority of votes in this assembly meeting, 21 votes in favor, and 22 votes against, and so it remains for these agenda items to be considered today in the session of the municipal assembly of Prishtina…

Lexo edhe