The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo will meet in a new plenary session on Thursday, September 29.This is what the Presidency of the Assembly decided today, in the joint meeting with representatives of the parliamentary groups, led by the Speaker Glauk Konjufca.”Thursday’s session will begin with statements outside the agenda, to continue with parliamentary questions. The session will continue with the first consideration of the Draft Law on targeted sanctions against foreign violators of human rights, the Draft Law on Anti-doping and the one on early childhood education. In this session, the formation of the Ad-hoc Commission for the selection of candidates for two members of the Independent Media Commission, from among the Albanian community, is expected. After the end of the new session, the Assembly will return to examining the items from the unfinished sessions”, the Assembly’s announcement states.
In today’s meeting, the Presidency, in accordance with its responsibilities, examined other issues from the scope of the Assembly.
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