When there is one day left to start the population census process, the Kosovo Agency of Statistics has made every effort to start this process on time this time. This was announced by the senior official for communication with the public at the Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Hazbije Qeriqi, who says that they expect quality data.
Qeriqi, in an interview for KosovaPress, says that KAS has already made all the preparations to start a successful population census process that will start on April 5 and last until May 17 of this year.
While she has shown more details about this process, Qeriqi says that the diaspora is obliged to fill in online questionnaires.
Unlike previous years, Qeriqi says that this year the interviews are done through electronic questionnaires and not only on paper as it was before, adding that they expect to receive better quality data.
As for the municipalities in the north of the country, Qeriqi says that the necessary preparations have been made, however he adds that in that part of Kosovo the population census may start with a few days delay.
According to her, the period of six weeks is sufficient to register all communities, including the majority and minorities.
As for the diaspora, she says that they are obliged to register through online questionnaires, without being obliged to be present here.
Due to the large flow of work, Qeriqi emphasizes that they are forced to work overtime, even on weekends, as she says.
Otherwise, the population census in Kosovo has been postponed several times during the last years. /E.Krasniqi/