The names of the candidates certified by the CEC for the elections in the north of Kosovo

The names of the candidates certified by the CEC for the elections in the north of Kosovo

The Central Election Commission made a decision on the certification of political entities and candidates for participation in the snap elections for mayor in four municipalities: North Mitrovica, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok.

The two major parties, the Democratic Party of Kosovo and the Vetevendosje Movement, will have 4 candidates in the race on December 18, while other political entities are also part of the electoral process.

The certified candidates of PDK are Albulena Behluli Hetemi (Leposavic), Izmir Zeqiri (Zubin Potok), Ilir Peci (Zvecan) and Taulant Kelmendi (North Mitrovica). Meanwhile, the certified candidates of Vetcvendosje are: Lulzim Hetemi (Leposavic), Flatron Hasani (Zubin Potok), Fetah Peci (Zvecan) and Erden Atic (North Mitrovica).

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