The “All-Serb Assembly” and the statement that came out of this meeting held on Saturday in Belgrade are considered contradictory and paradoxical. In this statement it is stated that Kosovo is an inalienable part of Serbia, for which political analysts consider that Kosovo has already been de-facto recognized. Saturday’s meeting is also estimated to aim at the creation of a greater Serbia, where the north of Kosovo is included.
The declaration for the protection of national and political rights and for a common future of the Serbian people was approved on Saturday by Serbia and the Serbian entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska. The declaration was approved in Belgrade at a meeting between the two governments, within the so-called “All-Serb Assembly”.
The political analyst from Albania, Ben Andoni, says that attention should not be paid to Serbia and that the signing of this declaration is an expected action.
The Serbian analyst, Branislav Kërstic, declares that Serbia lost Kosovo from the moment when, 25 years ago, the NATO commanders gave half an hour to the Serbian police and army officers to leave Kosovo.
Meanwhile, political analyst Arbnor Sadiku considers that the Albanian political scene in the Balkans is divided.
The US Embassy in Sarajeva also reacted to the conclusions adopted in the so-called “All-Serb Assembly” in Belgrade, describing these conclusions as an attack on the Dayton Peace Agreement and the state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The US Embassy notes that the “Conclusions of the All-Serb Assembly”, which refer to the Dayton Peace Agreement and the independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are rooted in legal disinformation and full of errors.
Landslide in the Elbasan-Qafa Thane axis, call to the leaders for increased caution The American Embassy said that the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution expressly state that BaH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is the successor state of the Republic of BaH with its internal structure, modified, in order to consist of two entities.
The American Embassy in Sarajeva said that Republika Srpska is not a state and that it can only exist within Bosnia-Herzegovina.
After signing this statement, the opposition parties in Kosovo also reacted, saying that it is a bomb that can explode at any time.
The Democratic League of Kosovo, through a reaction on Sunday, has called on international partners to take seriously Belgrade’s efforts to undermine the neighborhood between the states of the region.
The MP of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Hisen Berisha, also reacted to this meeting, saying that it is a direct provocation to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Kosovo.
Such statements, even according to Besnik Tahiri of AAK, contradict Western calls for normality in the Western Balkans.
The “All-Serbian” meeting in the Balkans held on Saturday in Belgrade, where, in addition to Aleksandar Vucic, Milorad Dodik and Serbian representatives of Serbia, representatives of Serbs from Kosovo, Montenegro and North Macedonia also participated. There was adopted the declaration for the protection of national and political rights for the common future of the Serbian people. This declaration, which essentially tries to sideline international organizations, consists of 49 points, in which, among other things, it is said that the Serbian people represent a unique entity, that the name of the nation is one and that it is impossible to change.
The approved declaration talks about Kosovo, which is said to be an inalienable part of Serbia, then the obligation to respect resolution 1244, but also about dialogue as an essential way to solve the problem between Kosovo and Serbia. /KosovaPress/