The Assembly approves the draft law on foreign trade

The Assembly of Kosovo has approved in principle the draft law on foreign trade, which, according to the government, aims…

The Law on the abolition of homologation for vehicles is approved

The MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo have approved in the second reading the Draft Law on Vehicles that removes…

The Draft Law on Trade in Petroleum Products and Renewable Fuels is approved in principle

The MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo, with 65 votes in favor have approved in principle the Draft Law on…

The Draft Law on Electronic Identification and Trust Services in Electronic Transactions is approved

With 66 votes in favor, the Assembly of Kosovo has approved in principle the Draft Law on Electronic Identification and…

There is no quorum for the approval of the Draft Law on the extension of electronic communications networks

The MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo have failed to approve in principle the Draft Law on measures to reduce…

VV MPs call the reaction of the opposition for the IMC and not for RTK strange

Vetëvendosje Movement (LVV) MPs are considering strange the reaction of PDK MP Blerta Deliu for the process of interviewing candidates…

The Draft Law on the sale of apartments for which there is a housing right is approved in principle

The MPs of the Assembly of Kosovo, with 74 votes in favor have approved in principle the Draft Law on…

The draft law on Chambers of Architects and Construction Engineers is approved

With 60 votes in favor, none against and 8 abstentions, the Assembly of Kosovo has approved the Draft Law on…

The Assembly approves the IPA 2020 agreement

With 89 votes in favor, no against and no abstentions, the Assembly of Kosovo has approved the Law on ratification…

MPs meet the compatriots who visited the Assembly

From Wednesday to Friday, the Assembly of Kosovo has opened its doors to compatriots. Compatriots who visited the Assembly this Thursday,…