This is the supplemented decision on reciprocity with Serbia

The incumbent Government of Kosovo, has supplemented the decision on the gradual application of reciprocity as a principle in relations…

The Government gives over 150.000 euros to Kosovo Lottery

The incumbent Government of Kosovo, after reviewing the request of the Kosovo Lottery for the allocation of funds for the…

A loan worth 100 million Euros, the government approves the initiative for negotiating with the EU

The Government Cabinet, approved the initiative for negotiating the loan agreement between the Republic of Kosovo, represented by the Ministry…

The new decision of the Government allows rallies

The incumbent Government has convened the corresponding meeting (electronic meeting),  whereby approving the decision proposed by the Ministry of Health…

The Government removed the quarantine for Klina, Malisheva and Vitia

The incumbent Government of the Republic of Kosovo, with the request of the incumbent Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, and in…

FSSHK with two requests for the Government of Kosovo about health workers

The Trade Union Health Federation of Kosovo (FSSHK) today has addressed two requests to the Government of Kosovo, a day…

Government’s decisions for coronavirus prevention, remain in force until April 6

The incumbent Government of Kosovo, held its next meeting, where has decided to remain in force until April 6, the…

Government will hold a meeting on the draft budget law for 2020

The Government of Kosovo today will hold a meeting where will be presented the draft budget law for 2020.