The Central Election Commission (CEC) has approved the Report of the Preliminary List of Voters, the list of voting centers outside Kosovo, the number of polling stations, and the maximum number of voters.
In the elections of February 9 of next year, two million and 47 thousand and 148 citizens have the right to vote, i.e. 161 thousand and 700 more voters compared to the local elections of 2021, held on October 17, 2021.
At the next meeting of the CEC, the director of the Office for Registration, Certification and Financial Control of Political Entities, Besnik Buzhala announced that the CEC has accepted the declaration of a coalition between the two political parties, the ‘Democratic Party of Unity’ and the ‘Balli Initiative’.
Buzhala added that according to the law, registered parties that want to participate in the elections through a coalition have until August 30 to notify the CEC.
In addition, the meeting emphasized that the political party that is a member of the coalition cannot participate as a member of another coalition or as a separate political party in the same elections.
It was said that until now, the registered political parties, the Diaspora Democratic Party and the ‘Lëvizja për Bashkim’, have announced their non-participation in the elections.
The member of the CEC from the ranks of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, Arianit Elshani, said that the preliminary list of voters contains 2 million 47 thousand 148 voters, i.e. 161 thousand 700 voters more compared to the 2021 Local Elections, held with October 17, 2021.
He emphasized that the number of new voters who will vote for the first time in the Elections for the Assembly of Kosovo is 209 thousand 878 voters, of which 124 thousand 366 voters can be considered as new voters after the Local Elections, held on 17.10.2021.
In addition, at the meeting it was emphasized that 85 thousand 512 voters can be considered as voters registered for the first time in the Central Civil Registry between two pairs of elections, i.e. voters who have been provided with documents of the Republic of Kosovo, voters registered for voting outside Kosovo for the Local Elections 2021 and citizens who possess certificates of the Republic of Kosovo from the CSD extract.
Also, Elshani said that the voting centers outside Kosovo and the maximum number of voters do not have a list since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was late in sending it.