The case of Vetëvendosje activist Astrit Dehari has been brought back as a topic by Sami Kurteshi, currently a member of the Central Election Commission from the ruling party.
Kurteshi, in a conference before the Special Prosecutor’s Office of Kosovo, has chronologically shown the case of Dehari as a whole.
Kurteshi said that Dehari was arrested innocently and was killed in the Detention Center in Prizren.
Kurtishi also spoke about the prosecutors who had the Dehari case, which according to him they have not finished.
According to him, Dehar’s case is being handed over to pre-retired prosecutors. Until he said that the case is in the hands of the 5th prosecutor who, according to him, retires in two days.
On behalf of Vetëvendosje, Kurteshi said that it is clear that the case is being deliberately delayed.