KosovaPress News Agency today marks the 23rd anniversary of its establishment. KosovaPress was established on January 4, 1999, as a need of the time to inform about the developments in Kosovo, giving a great contribution in informing the local and international public about the liberation war, Serbian crimes, and NATO bombings.
During the war, KosovaPress published news in Albanian, English, German and French.
After the dissolution of the Provisional Government in January 2000, and the establishment of the Provisional Administrative Council, all institutions established by the Kosovo Liberation Army, namely the political directorate of the KLA and the Provisional Government, were dissolved.
In September 2000, KosovaPress began its journey as an independent news agency. The beginning was difficult, there was a struggle for survival, but later, thanks to perseverance, the development period began and, year after year, the expansion of services began.
In 2002, KosovaPress launched the prepaid system, initially in Albanian, and from 2005 it resumed publishing news in English, whereas in 2007 in Serbian and Turkish.
On the tenth anniversary of its establishment (2009), KosovaPress brought innovations in the country’s media market: video-news and audio-news, whereas on the 15th anniversary of its establishment it opened an office in Tirana. The 16th anniversary brought another innovation, that of the photo sector.
On the 17th anniversary of its work, KosovaPress presented its latest innovation, which was the live broadcast of events. The live broadcasts were realized with the latest technology, with 4K cameras. Continuous investment in technology today allows KosovaPress to make up to 10 “live” broadcasts at the same time, as well as directed.
When KosovaPress celebrated two decades of work, the Production Department was introduced, which deals with the realization of educational-entertaining shows, such as the children’s show “Foleja” and the show “Cult”.
In 2017, KosovaPress became a full member of the network of News Agencies of the Balkan and Southeast European Countries (ABNA-SE). KosovaPress, since its membership, has made a valuable contribution to the promotion of national values in the news network that are edited on ABNA platforms.
In 2019, KosovaPress participated for the first time, representing Kosovo, in the world congress of news agencies that takes place every three years.
In September 2021, KosovaPress successfully organized the General Assembly of ABNA-SE, bringing the Balkan and Southeast European news agencies to Prishtina, where for almost a week their role in the post-COVID period was discussed, where it was entrusted with the role of one-year presidency.
During the Presidency of KosovaPress, ABNA-SE also received legal status by being registered after 28 years of establishment, with headquarters in Sofia, Bulgaria. Officially, KosovaPress is one of the founding agencies of ABNA-SEE.
Last year, KosovaPress applied to the network of European news agencies and on September 30, 2022, it was officially accepted as a full member of the European Alliance of News Agencies (EANA). https://www.newsalliance.org/
This was an extraordinary day for the media and the Republic of Kosovo.
The decision on the admission of KosovaPress News Agency was made by secret ballot, where ¾ of the votes of all members were requested.
With this membership, KosovaPress opened more ways to cooperate with all European News Agencies and thanks to these agreements, the media and readers will have more news from these countries in all fields.
This is now the most important organization in which KosovaPress is a part, completing the path of membership in the network of Balkan and European News Agencies.
During 2022, KosovaPress has continued with the signing of agreements, where we highlight five cooperation agreements signed with regional and European agencies (ATA, BTA, Anadoll Agency, Ana Mpa and Ansa).
The KosovaPress News Agency, since its operation as an independent medium, has achieved continuous growth, year after year, whereas in recent years it has focused on raising the flag and representing Kosovo in the most important news agency forums and organizations.
In the last two surveys, KosovaPress was announced as the agency with zero errors as well as the most reliable. It remains loyal to true and accurate news, offering guarantees to all media in Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia and the region, that what is offered is only quality.
Continuous technical investments make KosovaPress bring visual quality through cameras, but also the possibility of live broadcasting from anywhere.
Our 24th anniversary will bring more investments and innovations that will serve to improve the quality of what we offer to all our customers and followers.
Thanks to dedication, responsibility and accuracy, the largest and most important media in Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, as well as other countries in the region and beyond, continue to trust KosovaPress News Agency, cooperating closely every day, for years already.
The KosovaPress news agency continues to bring to the reader and client everything that happens in the daily political, economic and social life of Kosovo, the region, Europe and the world, but also raising important issues through other types of journalism such as interviews, documentaries, reports. etc.
KosovaPress operates in three languages, Albanian, English, and Serbian.