The statements of the US envoy for special missions, Richard Grenell, against the Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, are considered unhealthy for the Kosovo-US relations. According to political analysts, the statements of the senior American official that “the international community is united against Kurti and that his government is not a reliable partner” are serious. KosovaPress has also contacted the Government of Kosovo to comment on Grenell’s statements and the cooperation with the Trump administration, but they did not respond.
University professor, Rrahman Paçarizi, tells KosovaPress that Grenell reacted to Kurti, after the latter gave himself the right to use relations with the US to win the votes of citizens in the February 9 elections.
According to him, it is not very common for American officials to react during campaign periods, but it has been proven that officials from the Trump administration are quite active and energetic.
In this regard, he emphasizes that these statements against the current prime minister and the candidate for prime minister from the largest party in Kosovo are not healthy for relations between the two countries.