Events of March 23rd

Events of March 23rd

The agenda of cultural and artistic activities in honor of the Dukagjini Epopee and the beginning of NATO bombing in Kosovo:

08:00 – The first school hour in all schools of the Municipality of Deçan, is dedicated to March 24, 1998 and March 24, 1999

10:00 – Running race “Rruga e Lirisë” with primary school students (Gllogjan)

10:30 – The exhibition “Initiators of Freedom”, by artist Besart Gashi (“Martyrs Memorial Complex”, Gllogjan)

11:00 – Homage will be paid at the Martyrs Memorial Complex in Jabllanica

12:00 – Homage will be paid at the Martyrs Memorial Complex in Koshare

The trial against Sali Mustafa continues. (The Hague, time 09:30-16: 00)

The Committee on Budget reviews of the Request for determining the amount of the compensation for the MP, for the leading function and compensation of the expenses; (Assembly of Kosovo, hall C-203, time 10:00)

The Women’s Economic Forum (WEF) in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and the Kosovo Stability Initiative (KSI) is organizing a discussion on the Labor Law – the provisions governing maternity leave and parental leave for employees. (Hotel “Prishtina”, time 10:00-12:30)

GLPS holds the conference “Implementation of the National Plan for the SAA: How far did Kosovo achieve the objectives of this plan during 2021?” (GLPS, “Rexhep Luci” Street, in front of Kino ABC, Prishtina, time 10:00)

The Career Orientation Fair will be held, organized by the youth of Gjakova. (Palace of Culture, Gjakova, time 10:00)

Agenda of the mayor of Gjilan Alban Hyseni:

10:00 – Meeting with the Ambassador of North Macedonia in Kosovo. (Mayor’s Office)

12:00 – Meeting with the Ambassador of Norway in Kosovo. (Mayor’s Office)

13:00 – Joint meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi and the Ambassador of Albania, Qemal Minxhozi. (Mayor’s Office)

The National Ballet of Kosovo holds a press conference regarding the first premiere for 2022 – “Romeo & Juliet”. (National Theater of Kosovo, time 13:00)

The Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, will hold a press conference. (Hall of the Ministry of Justice, time 14:00)

The awarding ceremony for the families of the 9 martyrs of Prishtina and Podujeva will be organized by the 138th Brigade “Agim Ramadani” in cooperation with the Municipality of Prishtina. (Municipal Assembly Hall of Prishtina, time 16:00)

Agenda of our national teams:

10:30 – Training of the Kosovo U21 National Team – Hajvalia National Camp

11:00 – Germany – Kosovo WU17 – Stadium “Fadil Vokrri”

15:00 – Slovenia – Austria WU17 – Stadium “Zahir Pajaziti”

15:30 – Press conference of the Kosovo National Team – “Fadil Vokrri” Stadium

16:00 – Official training of the National Team of Kosovo – “Fadil Vokrri” Stadium

17:30 – Press conference of Burkina Faso – “Fadil Vokrri” Stadium

18:00 – The official training of Burkina Faso – “Fadil Vokrri” Stadium

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