Ballots printed in Slovenia arrive in Kosovo and diplomatic missions

Ballots printed in Slovenia arrive in Kosovo and diplomatic missions

In Kosovo, namely in the Counting and Results Center a few days ago, over 1 million and 752 thousand ballots for the general elections of February 9 have arrived.

Meanwhile, also in the diplomatic missions where on February 8, expatriates will be able to exercise their right to vote, over 21 thousand ballots have already arrived.

This was announced by the spokesperson of the Central Election Commission, Valmir Elezi, who said that based on the CEC decision, 323 thousand and 218 or 15.57 percent less ballots than the number of voters.

Based on the Voter List certified by the Central Election Commission, the number of Kosovo citizens with the right to vote is 2 million 75 thousand 868 voters, of which 1 million 970 thousand 944 voters are voters belonging to the Voter List within Kosovo and 104 thousand 924 voters are part of the Voter List outside Kosovo.

“These ballots were printed in Celje, Slovenia, and arrived in Kosovo a few days ago, and will be distributed within a few days, certainly before election day, in the polling centers where the electoral process will take place on February 9. According to the CEC decision, 1,752,650 ballots have been printed, of which 1,664,100 for voting in regular polling stations, 28,450 for conditional voting; 38,650 for voting by persons with special needs and as backup ballots. Meanwhile, 21,450 ballots have been printed for voting abroad in diplomatic missions,” he said.

Lexo edhe

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