During the next week, changeable weather is forecast in our country, with clouds and sunny intervals.
Sunny weather is forecast on Monday and Thursday, while local rain is forecast on Tuesday and Wednesday.
According to Prishtina Weather, the minimum temperatures will reach -2 degrees Celsius, whereas the maximum temperatures will range between 8 to 14 degrees Celsius.
Prishtina Weather Announcement:
Changeable weather next week, with clouds, sunny intervals and rain showers. Temperatures will be still high for this time period.
18.02.2024 – More clouds are forecast during the following week. There will also be sunny intervals, which will be longer on Monday and Thursday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, local streaks of rain or light snowfall are forecast in the most mountainous areas. In the days before the morning hours, there will be frost, and in the lowlands conditions for fog.
The minimum temperatures go down to -2C, whereas the maximum ones first decrease to 8C, and from the day to Thursday they increase again to 13C and 14C.
Concentrations of air pollutants will be higher near the surface in the following days, because there will be a lack of good air circulation to keep them more dispersed. During the day, in most parts of the country, the air quality index can remain at acceptable and good values, while in the evening it changes to poor and very poor values.
19.02 – In the lowlands, the possibility of fog/low clouds in the morning hours. Mostly sunny day.
20.02 – Mostly cloudy. Chance of rain in some places.
21.02 – More clouds, with the possibility of local rain.
22.02 – Longer intervals with sun and passing clouds, mainly high layers.
23.02 – Mild, cloudy and sunny intervals.
Light and moderate winds will blow from the north, initially, 3-8 m/s, and in the second part of the week from the south wing with gusts up to 10 m/s, on Friday.
Atmospheric pressure fluctuates in values above normal, with a tendency to fall around normal values.