US Embassy on Drug Seizure in Lipjan: A Great Victory for Rule of Law

US Embassy on Drug Seizure in Lipjan: A Great Victory for Rule of Law

The Embassy of the United States of America in Kosovo has issued a statement regarding the confiscation of drugs on Monday in Lipjan. The seizure of over 2 tons of cocaine has been called a success by the US Embassy, ​​emphasizing that the fight against organized crime and drug trafficking requires determination and international cooperation.

The US Embassy in a Twitter post has said that yesterday’s confiscation is a major victory for the rule of law. In this regard, on Monday, 7 people were arrested where 400 kg of cocaine worth 20 million euros were confiscated. The State Prosecution, the Kosovo Police, the Special Prosecution of Albania and the Italian state authorities in a press conference gave details about this case, which was said that the lorry in which the narcotics were located had left Brazil for Kosovo.

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