On Thursday, it has been three months since the businessman Bedri Rexhepi disappeared. On the afternoon of April 8, he left to never return. The responsible institutions have so far failed to solve this case and find the 38-year-old. Security experts also consider that his case is being neglected by the security authorities.
Regarding the disappearance of Bedri Rexhepi, Jeton Vllasaliu has already been arrested, who is in custody. Since the detention of the suspect Jeton Vllasaliu has been extended, the family members believe that the prosecution has evidence against him for his involvement in the case of the disappearance of Bedri Rexhepi, but for them it is strange how the prosecution has not managed to force the suspect to tell where Bedri Rexhepi is. The Kosovo Prosecution continues to respond the same for months, whenever questions are asked about this issue.