The Hydro meteorological Institute of Kosovo forecasts that the fourth week of November is expected to have unstable meteorological conditions. During this week, light to moderate winds will blow from the southeast and northwest.
Mostly cloudy weather with local streaks of rain. The minimum temperatures will move between 2-4 degrees Celsius, while the maximum of the day is expected to move between 6-10 degrees Celsius.
Weather mostly similar, cloudy with local streaks of rain. In the morning there will be conditions for fog which will reduce horizontal visibility and create difficulties in traffic. The minimum temperatures will move between 0-2 degrees Celsius, while the maximum of the day is expected to move between 9-12 degrees Celsius.
Mostly similar meteorological situation but with slight increases in temperatures in both extreme values, the minimums will move between 5-8 degrees Celsius, while the maximums of the day are expected to move between 11-14 degrees Celsius.
It is expected to be cloudy with sunny intervals. The minimum temperatures will move between 2-4 degrees Celsius, while the maximum of the day is expected to move between 8-11 degrees Celsius.
Weather mostly similar to Thursday. The minimum temperatures will move between 3-5 degrees Celsius, while the maximum of the day is expected to move between 8-11 degrees Celsius.